Well, this photo was taken by my sister Carolina. I went to The Mode Museum with: my brother and his girlfriend, my eldest sister and her husband, the rest of my sisters and a friend of mine. In the entrance of the Museum, there were these cars like as an exhibition on the garden, so we took photos as if we were trying to dump this cars or as if we had hit by them, until my sister's husband told us if it were raining cars, as an apocalypse, so we ran to take place (because there were many people taking pictures) and my sister takes her Iphone and "Click!" the apocalypse was photographed. The people who were near us started laughing when they saw the moment :)I very like this photo because, the first thing is that we, like brothers and sister, almost never can we go out together, so was a very cute moment :), secondly, we went to the museum for one reason: the D´Lorean of the "Come back to the future" (movie) and all of us love this triology and we had the chance of appearing, plus we love take pictures ridiculous :P and I think this photo is a reflection of this :)
It's an original version of the end of the world (H) I hope you like it :)